The Rohingya celebrate festivals such as Akikah, ear piercing, and circumcision, and respect Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-Adha, Lilatul Baraat, and Ashura.
The Rohingya celebrate festivals such as Akikah, ear piercing, and circumcision, and respect Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-Adha, Lilatul Baraat, and Ashura.
Major Festivals
In Rohingya society, there are huge festivals. Various types of foods and cakes are made for loved ones. During childbirth, which is called Akikah, during a girl’s ear piercing; and during a son’s khatna (circumcision), goats and cows are slaughtered, and relatives and neighbors join together with families to celebrate. During these special occasions, family members are in a happy and festive mood.
The Rohingya family respects Islamic functions throughout the whole year, especially Eid-ul- Fitr, Eid-ul-Adha, Lilatul Baraat, lilatul Quader and Ashura (10th Moharam). If a family member passes, relatives, neighbors, orphans and poor family members are fed. Cows are slaughtered, and a prayer ceremony is held for the wellbeing of departed souls.