
Rohingya were the most educated people in Arakan, but during the British colonial period and post-independence period, the education system worsened.

Rohingya were the most educated people in Arakan, but during the British colonial period and post-independence period, the education system worsened.

Best Sellers
  • Cook Like a Chef
    On Food and Cooking
    How to Cook

New Releases
  • The Silver Spoon
    The Joy of Cooking
    Kitchen Confidential


Rohingya families are Sunni Muslims and adhere to Islamic traditions. They typically pray five times a day, fast in Ramadan, give alms, and perform Hajj

Rohingya families are Sunni Muslims and adhere to Islamic traditions. They typically pray five times a day, fast in Ramadan, give alms, and perform Hajj

Best Sellers
  • Cook Like a Chef
    On Food and Cooking
    How to Cook

New Releases
  • The Silver Spoon
    The Joy of Cooking
    Kitchen Confidential


The Rohingya celebrate festivals such as Akikah, ear piercing, and circumcision, and respect Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-Adha, Lilatul Baraat, and Ashura.

The Rohingya celebrate festivals such as Akikah, ear piercing, and circumcision, and respect Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-Adha, Lilatul Baraat, and Ashura.

Best Sellers
  • Cook Like a Chef
    On Food and Cooking
    How to Cook

New Releases
  • The Silver Spoon
    The Joy of Cooking
    Kitchen Confidential